The £7million New Lubbesthorpe Primary School opened in September 2019 and will ultimately welcome 420 pupils. Run by the successful OWLS Academy Trust it offers an outstanding place to learn with amazing teachers and engaged and enthusiastic pupils.

To make an appointment to visit or send your children to the school get in touch via:
E-mail: office@nlprimary.net Telephone: 07561 110644

A second primary school and a major new secondary school are planned – with a combined investment of more than £30million.

These will offer community meeting rooms, sport and leisure facilities. The new secondary school will open when there are around 2,000 new homes at New Lubbesthorpe, but we are working with Blaby District Council to hopefully open leisure and community facility earlier. This would provide a gym and studios,  changing facilities, all-weather sports pitches and community meeting spaces.