New community organiser joins the team

Local resident, Becky Harris, has secured a new job as Community Organiser for Lubbesthorpe Alive CIC. Becky (32) was one of the first residents to move into the new development in 2018. Her new role will be to organise events and activities to create a strong sense of place and community at this innovative development. 

She will support Pioneer Community Worker, Sue Steer, who has been in post since 2016. She said: “It’s great to welcome Becky as an official member of the team. She had previously volunteered to help organise our busy seasonal activities at Christmas and Easter and her enthusiasm and commitment to helping people get to know one another is invaluable. 

“New Lubbesthorpe is a fast growing village with around 600 homes now occupied so we have lots to do.”

Becky added: “Living on the site means I understand the challenges new residents face in becoming part of this fast-growing community, especially when people have such busy lives. I look forward to meeting and connecting people and organising a thriving calendar of activities for all.”

The New Lubbesthorpe Development has taken a pioneering approach to building a new community through the partnerships work of Churches Together in Leicestershire, Blaby District Council and The Drummond Estate, all of which wanted ensure that the development was more than just another housing estate, it was a place where people wanted to live, work and play.  Lubbesthorpe Alive officially launched in August 2020 as a resident led entity who will take this vision forward.   It is led and supported by volunteer residents as well as Sue and Becky.

Martin Ward on behalf of Drummond Estate, the landowners of New Lubbesthorpe, said “New Lubbesthorpe is a ground-breaking new community and it’s fantastic that one of our local residents will now help her neighbours feel like they are an integral part of this thriving community. Sue and Becky are invaluable in creating a strong sense of place at this landscape-led development, we aim to set a high benchmark in terms of what we can achieve here.”

New Lubbesthorpe lies to the west of Leicester. The development will deliver up to 4,250 new homes, schools, community facilities including healthcare, shops and services and an employment park adjacent to the M1/M69 which is capable of creating 1,000 new jobs. The development will also provide 325 acres of new parklands for local residents to enjoy.  

Approximately 600 homes are now occupied at the site, with Davidsons, Barratt, David Wilson Homes and Redrow Homes bringing forward a full range of housing types. In addition to the £15million new motorway bridge, a new primary school has already opened.